Keep Young and Keep Curious 🌟#
Tag: Quantum Information, Machine Learning, English Learning
Insitution: IFFS UESTC
Major: CS
Welcome to my blog! I’m passionate about quantum information, quantum physics, and computer science. My academic journey has been rooted in "Computer Science and Technology," with a focus on quantum information technology in my postgraduate studies. As a beginner in this exciting field, I appreciate any feedback on my posts. You’ll also find that I’m a huge fan of Yuuki Konno from "Sword Art Online," whose story beautifully captures the value of life and the essence of hope. I hope her heartfelt journey resonates with you as much as it has with me!
Goal of My Blog 🚩#
This blog serves as a personal reflection on the knowledge I've gained and a way to document my learning journey. I hope you find useful information and inspiration here that enhances your own understanding. Thank you for joining me on this exploration!
Contact me 📫#
If you have something interesting want to share with me, feel easy to let me know through my email.